GreenLilium Design By Camryn Smith

GreenLilium Design By Camryn Smith
NSW, Australia
Artist’s Statement
Believing in colour, texture, symbolism, layers and detail, Camryn’s work is bold and vibrant.
His work is informed by the heady colours of Australia’s native fauna and flora,
Impressionism, and from early digital pixel art, all aspects that are easily discernable in hispieces.
He feels that coloured pencils create a texture that is similar to dyed fabric, velvety, plush and rich, and that it is a fitting complement to his embellished textiles pieces.
For his black and white inkwork pieces, this texture is created with detailed strokes,
crosshatching, stippling and rendering, the challenge here coming from detailing shadows, depth and texture using only monochromatic tones. Within these works complex patterns and intricacies of detail make up for presenting as beautiful in its own way.
Camryn also creates with cross stitch design, embroidery and other textile-based artforms, often combining several different combinations from within the discipline. This leads to the formation of rich, tactile art pieces that can be used as standalone artworks or then scanned in to a digital art program and used to compliment another piece.
Whatever the medium, Camryn’s pieces are designed to be statements that stand out and enhance modern design, whether it be in fashion, décor or products.
Camryn Smith – GreenLilium Design
Camryn Smith has been producing artwork for as long as he has been able to hold a pencil, paintbrush or needle and thread. In primary school he was honing his skills in drawing,tapestry, embroidery and soft toy creation, producing his own unique creations in his efforts to thoroughly explore the boundaries of his chosen mediums.
By high school Camryn was starting to specialise, leaning towards coloured pencil work,
black and white rendering and cross-stitch. As well as this, with his families’ purchase of
their first home computer (an Amiga, considered to be the most advanced PC for quality in graphics), Camryn started to explore digital design and was highly influenced by pixel
artwork. Coupling this with his cross-stitch pieces and the similarities of the medium
(working in small squares to produce a whole, complete picture), his work began to develop a great deal of contrast and colour.
Camryn has had a wealth of experience in both producing artwork and helping others realise their talents within the artistic field. He holds both a Batchelor of Design (Visual
Communication)(Honours) where he majored in illustration, and a Masters of Teaching
(Secondary). As well as teaching Design and Technology:Textiles and Art in secondary
schools in the UK, he has run adult art therapy programs, had his work on display in
boutique gallery showings and has sold his work privately. His cross-stitch designs have
featured in the publication ‘Cross Stitch Australia’ and he continues to sell original designs today. Along the way he has produced graphic design pieces from pamphlets to show programmes and costumes to designing the wrap-around designs on a minibus and refreshing branding.
Currently making his dream of his own company, GreenLilium Design, come true, Camryn is busy designing new needlework pieces for a modern audience. Among other interests he enjoys singing, cooking and has a Bengal cat named Dark Moon.
Showing 1–12 of 25 results
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