Carina Kaercher

Carina Kaercher
Queensland, Australia
My art is inspired by endless coastlines, colourful reefs, tropical Australian birds and abstract colour. I want my images to make you dream of the beach, a tropical escape and the natural environment.
There was a time I hit rock bottom after a tumultuous relationship break drown that broke my heart. One night I woke up and reached over to my partner saying that I had a nightmare that we’ve broken up, but he wasn’t there. I looked at my hand reaching out to the empty space next to me and I just knew that I had to grab a pencil and start drawing.
I started with a pencil sketch of my hand reaching into nowhere, followed by emotional watercolour paintings that reflected our relationship. I painted through the darkness to happier headspace. From then on I started to paint happy, bright and colourful pieces.
I work using acrylic paint, ink and watercolour. These mediums are excellent for accentuating the bright colours and effects I like to use in my artwork. I am constantly learning new techniques in order to develop my art. The genesis of each
painting is generated by my emotion state at the time. I donate a percentage of my sales to the Brisbane Domestic Violence Service. A worthy cause that supports re-establishing women who have escaped from abusive relationships.
Of German descent, I now call sunny Brisbane, in Australia, my home.
Supporting the environment is also a cause close to my heart. Recently I have partnered my work with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to support keeping the beautiful reef alive. I hope that my artwork can connect to others and provide emotional support.
My art helps me move forward in difficult times and brightens my day. My wish is that it may also do this for others. I am very excited and welcome any opportunity to licence my work so that my art could add colour and happiness to a worldwide market.
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